Children’s Aid Society Awarded Pennsylvania Children’s Trust Fund Grant

A three-year grant from the Pennsylvania Children’s Trust Fund (CTF) will allow Children’s Aid Society to expand its Parents as Teachers program in Clearfield and Jefferson counties.

“The goal of this grant is to provide child abuse and neglect prevention to families in Clearfield and Jefferson counties by building the capacity of our Parents as Teachers (PAT) program, targeting parents of children ages 0-3”, according to Executive Director Bonnie Floro.

PAT is an evidence-based, early-childhood parent education, family support and well-being and school readiness home visiting model based on the belief that all children will learn, grow and develop to realize their full potential.

The PAT model includes home visits, group meetings, developmental screenings and the linking of families with needed resources.

Parent educators provide parents with knowledge of child development and parenting support and provide early detection of developmental delays.

Throughout the program, in which parents are involved for at least two years, it is reinforced that parents are their child’s first teachers.

The project will receive $150,000 over a three-year period, which began July 1. PA CTF’s mission is to prevent child abuse and neglect in Pennsylvania through grants to community-based service providers. Several grants were awarded throughout the state.

The grant proposal received support from the Clearfield County Collaboration and Prevention Board, a community-based partnership focused on improving positive outcomes for individuals and families. The grant requires both cash and in-kind match from the community.

Children’s Aid Society is actively recruiting families for the program with a target of serving 50 families over the three-year period. For more information, contact Christina at 814-765-2686, Ext. 206.

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