Clearfield Co. Oks CDBG Modification to Assist with Kratzer Run Sewer Project

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CLEARFIELD – On Tuesday the Clearfield County Commissioners voted to approve a modification to the 2014 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in an effort to assist Kratzer Run Sewer Authority, at the request of Lisa Kovalick, community development specialist.

She said the county had made “every attempt” to contact customers of the Brady Township Sewer System through public meetings, via the local media and mailings. She said these notifications included program procedures and income guidelines for lateral assistance.

To date, Kovalick said her office has 34 people who have expressed interest, but of those, only eight have completed applications for $11,330 in funding.

She said should the remaining individuals complete their applications and be found eligible for assistance, the county will have funding to assist them; however, it will not meet the threshold of the project budget of $79,024.

According to Kovalick, any unspent funding from the 2014 CDBG would have to be returned to the commonwealth. So, to prevent this and to keep the funding in the county, she said funding will be moved to assist the Kratzer Run Sewer Authority with an immediate need for sewer improvements.

This, she said, will allow the authority to make the capital purchase and install wet pumps. Over the past few months, she said the aging pumps have failed, and the authority has discovered parts are not available.

Kovalick said the county will reduce the funding for the Brady Township lateral assistance project to $55,659 and add the Kratzer Run sewer improvement project in the amount of $23,365. She noted that all other funding from the 2014 CDBG will remain the same.

In other business, the commissioners:

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