Clearfield County Commissioner Candidate: R. Bryan Snyder

R. Bryan Snyder (Provided photo)

1. Provide a brief professional and personal background.

I worked for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for 35 years in dispatching, payrolls and purchasing.

Then, I transferred into the Bureau of Licensing as a C.D.L. license examiner and C.D.L. examiner/facilitator teaching examiners throughout the state.

I was also involved with auditing third-party licensing testers, working with suspensions and with Homeland Security doing background checks and checking Visa statuses.

I serve as a deacon in my church and have volunteered for the Salvation Army.  I have been a competitor all of my life and enjoyed wrestling, Pro bodybuilding and personal training.

I work with the National Gym Association (N.G.A.), as the Pennsylvania athlete’s representative, promoting drug-free competitive bodybuilding.

2. Why did you choose to run for the office of Clearfield County Commissioner?

I chose to run for office because I started working for the county and taking an interest in county government. I found there were issues and things being overlooked, and I became concerned with the direction Clearfield County was heading.

So, I started doing my own research, reading the news, accessing information online and talking to people. Issues like the rise in property taxes, knowing that county budgets are not being followed, county lay-offs and veterans services are a few areas that strongly influenced by decision to run for County Commissioner.

The thought that residents have been suffering and that our quality-of-life has declined in this county unnecessarily is disturbing.

3. What qualifies you to serve in the capacity of Clearfield County Commissioner?

To serve in the capacity of commissioner, I believe you should have experience in various areas, not just one.

My background and work history are evidence of this, and gives me the experience, knowledge and leadership to negotiate around county-wide systems, allowing for more understanding of the issues.

In addition, I am resident of Clearfield County, a voter, a taxpayer and a property owner.  There have been decisions made in the county that have had an impact on me and others like me.

I believe it’s time to address those decisions; I believe it’s time for a change.

4. Do you feel that the county is transparent enough? If not, what needs to change?

No, it’s not transparent.  We need to do a better job of reaching out to the residents of the entire county, including those that live in mostly isolated areas that don’t seem to benefit from the services offered in the mostly-populated areas.

The commissioners should prioritize reporting to the public those problems and decisions that are going to affect the residents and allow their opinions.

We need to be mindful that not everyone has social media or Internet/computer access and not everyone who is interested can personally attend the meetings. So, how do we do that? By going to them, if necessary.

5. If elected, how would you reach out and form relationships with citizens of Clearfield County? How would you reach out to those citizens in the outlying areas of the county?

We can achieve this by being approachable, talking to individuals on the streets and at events in the community and by visiting organizations in the outlying areas. Additionally, I would like to offer open forums and town hall meetings.

6. If elected, what measures would you take to ensure the efficient operation of Clearfield County?

To ensure that I am engaged in the operations of the county where appropriate, I appreciate an open line of communication by offering “an open-door policy” that can facilitate conversations about the status of each county department.

I want to encourage dialogue between the commissioners and departmental employees regarding their concerns and issues; identify what’s working and what’s not working in terms of policies, budgets and daily procedures, etc. To me, “efficient operation” involves having a “teamwork” mentality.

7. If elected, what measures would you take to generate economic development opportunities for Clearfield County?

We need to look at our specific needs in this county in terms of consumer interests. These are things like tourism, vocations, shopping, opportunities for skilled workers, etc.

That being said, I would look at measures to generate economic opportunity and support by identifying the needs of our residents. I would look at what resources and economic development would improve their lives.

I’d focus on bringing in manufacturing, jobs with good pay and also encourage current companies to expand.

8. How would you fight the drug epidemic currently facing the county? How would you reduce costs, specifically in relation to the operations of the county jail?

We have to know exactly what we are dealing with; we’re seeing a rise in meth use in Clearfield. And we must find out where it’s coming from and how it’s being manufactured through local and state police and drug enforcement.

We must develop coalitions to bridge public health and public safety, using data to drive decisions and to implement strategies.

We have to look to other coalitions that we know have successful resources and interactions like those found in Washington and Fayette counties or the opioid intervention court in Cumberland County.

But so as far as the county jail, opportunities have been missed and financial oversite is still missing. Its multi-faceted, but a starting point needs to involve routine audits to better manage costs related to overtime, transportation and out-of-county housing.

9. If elected, what would be your top priority as Clearfield County Commissioner?

I would work to balance the budget. We cannot continue to increase taxes and expect increase in home ownership. At the same time, I cannot promise tax cuts; I am just being honest.

That being said, my priorities will involve reducing expenditures, and it will require sacrifices. I cannot sugarcoat this but more bids need to reach vendors who will work with the county to lower costs.

10. What are the greatest challenges facing Clearfield County? If elected, what measures would you propose to resolve them?

The greatest challenges facing Clearfield County, I believe, are concerning teamwork. The commissioners need to better work with all department heads to make sure we are all on the same page for the good of all the people of Clearfield County.

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