Sandy Supers Hear Update on Water and Sewer System Negotiations

DUBOIS – On Monday night, the Sandy Township supervisors heard an update on the water and sewer system negotiations with DuBois City.

According to Supervisor Kevin Salandra, the municipalities have negotiated two possible agreements. The DuBois-Sandy joint committee has held two meetings since the last township meeting.

During one meeting, there were also representatives in attendance from Falls Creek and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).

This meeting went well overall, said Township Manager Shawn Arbaugh. He said the DEP indicated both Sandy and Falls Creek needed to pass a resolution to sign onto DuBois’ Act 537 plan.

The plan will determine how large DuBois City needs to construct its new treatment plant. Falls Creek and Sandy Township are municipal customers of the city; both haven’t signed onto the plan.

Supervisor Dave Sylvis then asked Arbaugh about what obligations or ties the township would have to DuBois’ new treatment plant, specifically if it would sell its sewer system to Aqua PA.

Arbaugh replied that the DEP wanted Sandy Township to sign onto the city’s 537 plan.  Sylvis asked him once more but received the same response.

According to Arbaugh, the Act 537 plan affects both the size and funding for the treatment plant. “DEP said it was highly unlikely for our sewage to go anywhere other than the City of DuBois.”

The supervisors tabled a decision with regards to the proposed sale of the water and or sewer system pending further meetings.

In other business, the supervisors reported they are still preparing to advertise for a police chief. They held off taking any action on the drafted advertisement to continue discussions of concerns.

Concerns involved salary and whether or not the position would be administrative or a working chief. Both Salandra and Sylvis preferred a working chief while the ad was more administrative.

Also, Shawn Eberly of the DuBois All-American Soapbox Derby presented the Sandy Township Supervisors with a plaque in honor of their support of the local derby.

Eberly said that April 6 and June 8 were the next race dates with the days after being the rain dates.  Organizers requested permission to use Industrial Drive again, which was approved.

Eberly also announced that there will be a recruitment event and meeting at the DuBois Public Library on March 12 to generate more local interest.

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