Local Baptist Church Expanding, Pastor Appointed to Regional Role

Sue Wilson Radel, pastor of Forest Baptist Church (Provided photo)

WINBURNE – Sue Wilson Radel, pastor of Forest Baptist Church in Winburne, Clearfield County, has recently been appointed as regional associate pastor for Women in Ministry in the American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware.

In the first position of its kind, she will minister to the needs of other women in ministry, as they teach and lead others in growing as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Radel says, “With the number of women answering the call to ministry on the rise, there is a need for support in this area.  Sometimes there are problems that we face, which are unique to our gender.”

One of those is the occasional opposition from those who believe women should not have leadership roles in the church.  To that, Radel says: “I believe this is incredibly sad.  Our world can be a dark place and is becoming increasingly difficult to live in for many people.

“My prayer is that we (pastors) are all on the same page, and support each other in being teachers of the Word of God, and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

In addition to her new role, she will continue to be the pastor of Forest Baptist Church, a small church perched alongside the twisting and turning Winburne-Munson Road, which is a bit off the beaten path.

“If you blink, you’ll miss it,” says Radel of finding Forest Baptist Church.  While not a large church in size, the church’s motto “we are the little church with the big heart” rings true in how much they help others in the community, and beyond.

Considered a “missional” church, its members believe in being the hands and feet of Jesus, striving to not only share the good news of Jesus Christ, but to serve those in need.

While they find international missions important, and have helped fund many mission trips, the church’s members also believe missions start “in our own backyard.”

One of the many local missions they have started is the monthly “Soup Ministry.”  On the third Sunday of each month, the church provides fresh, homemade soup that is distributed at God’s Clear View Ministries, with which it partners, at the “old school” on Pardee Road in Morrisdale.

Dennis Modzel, a formally trained army cook, and the church’s “food guy,” says “it’s always been on my heart to have a food ministry, and to serve those in need in our community.”

With a new building expansion in the near future, Forest Baptist Church is soon able to realize this dream on a larger level.

Radel says, “An addition is in the works to expand the missions of our church.  The building will increase our seating capacity from 40 to 120, and will include a full, commercial kitchen.”  Completion of the project is expected in May of 2019.

Forest Baptist Church was founded in 1893, achieving 125 years of ministry in 2018.  A celebration of the anniversary, along with the new addition, will be held in August of 2019.

If you wish to become involved with its local missions or to find out more about the church, you can reach Radel at susanwradel@gmail.com, or at her office number 814-577-9022. You can also find the church on Facebook by searching “Forest Baptist Church.”

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