Kylertown Center for Active Living Graduates a Matter of Balance Class

Front row from left to right: Ruth Hubler, Debra Galley, Shirley Hurley, Ramona Laich, Nancy Morlock
Back row from left: Susan McGonigal (Coach), Juda Harvey, Ellen Kolesar, Judy Hugney, Brittany Renaud (Coach)
Missing from photo: Catherine Cartwright and Denise Sass (Provided Photo).

Kylertown–The Kylertown Center for Active Living recently completed their eight-week Matter of Balance program. The program is approved by the Administration on Aging (AoA) and National Council on the Aging (NCOA), and hosted by the Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging, Inc.

An award-winning program, A Matter of Balance (MOB) acknowledges the risk of falling but emphasizes practical coping strategies to reduce this fear.  They include promoting a view of falls and fear of falling as controllable, setting realistic goals for increasing activity, changing the environment to reduce fall risk factors, and promoting exercise to increase strength and balance.

The program is designed to benefit community-dwelling older adults who are concerned about falls, have sustained a fall in the past, restrict activities because of concerns about falling, are interested in improving flexibility, balance and strength, and are age 60 or older, ambulatory and able to problem-solve.

The participants attended classes for eight weeks.  Graduation was held on December 4 with a ceremony of healthy snacks and certificates.  The graduates enjoyed their time together and also made new friends.

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