In Clearfield Borough … Business Owner Addresses Concerns With His Property

CLEARFIELD – During Thursday’s Clearfield Borough committee meeting, council heard from business owner Clair Wriglesworth, who addressed concerns with his property on West Second Avenue.

Council has received complaints about the condition of the property, most notably from resident, Rodney Bowers, who has been regularly attending meetings and speaking with borough officials regarding the property.

Wriglesworth acknowledged that the condition of the property has gotten out of hand, including a collapsing building, unlicensed vehicles and other issues.

He said things built up slowly and with a long list of things that need taken care of with a business, some things are let go too long.

Wriglesworth also apologized for not getting the property cleaned up by the December deadline and said that with the type of business he has, it has been difficult to get time to do the work.

He added that he has made some progress and asked council to give him an extension into April. He said that January through March are the slowest months and he will have time to finish the project.

Several people, including contractors, have offered assistance in the project as well.

Council members noted they have seen progress on the property and agreed that it is in the best interest of the community to support a small business when possible.

Also, they expressed appreciation that Wriglesworth came to them with a plan and voted to allow him to have the additional time requested.

Residents are reminded to check their smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and also have plans for exiting their homes and finding a safe place to stay until emergency personnel arrive if one of the alarms goes off.

Residents are also being reminded that there is a 48-hour time limit to park on borough streets year-round. Borough police have seen an increase in tickets for vehicles parked for more than the allowed 48 hours.

Police Chief Vincent McGinnis noted as well that there is a serious issue with drivers not stopping for the flashing lights of stopped buses. He said the problem areas are at St. Francis School and the Clearfield YMCA.

Santa Claus will be visiting Clearfield on Dec. 22 beginning at 5 p.m. The jolly old fellow will ride fire trucks throughout the borough, visiting young and old alike.

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