Clearfield County Life-long Learning Institute Seminars Continue

Are you interested in learning something new?

The Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging Inc., in collaboration with Lock Haven University Clearfield, announces upcoming educational seminars offered through the Clearfield Community Life-long Learning Institute.

Courses are geared towards the interests of the baby boomers and older citizens.  Typical sessions will last approximately 90 minutes and will be taught at the Lock Haven University – Clearfield primarily by Lock Haven University faculty and community individuals with specific expertise.

All programs will be free or for a very low cost.  These seminars are offered at the Lock Haven University – Clearfield Academic Building at 1 p.m. (unless otherwise indicated), and pre-registration is required. Register by calling the CCAAA at 814-765-2696.

Canning Basics:  Thanks to concerns over industrial food safety and a desire among many of us to have more control about what’s in our food, home canning has once again become popular.

Canning involves processing food in closed glass canning jars at high temperatures. The heat interrupts the natural spoilage of food by destroying micro-organisms and removing air from the jars.

As the jars cool, a vacuum seal forms to prevent recontamination.  The basic process for the water bath and pressure canning methods will be covered.

You can join Cathy Civiello and Sally Round as they lead you through the process on Tuesday, Sept. 18.

History of Local Baseball:  Presenter, William Beezer, who was the manager of the YMCA for 37 years and also coached baseball and recruited baseball players, will offer this interesting topic on Tuesday, Oct. 2 at 1 p.m.

This session will comprise of local sports history through the years covering Clearfield, Philipsburg and Center County baseball.

Slab Clay Art:  Jody Grumblatt, owner of Liddle Gallery, and volunteers from the Susquehanna River Art Center of Clearfield, will show you how to work with air-dry clay creating a simple dish.

Stamps and templates will be available for your use.  This workshop will be held in the new Center for the Arts building at 115 E. Market St., Clearfield, on Thursday, Nov. 1 at 1 p.m.

There will be a $10 to participate in this class.  Call 814-765-5700 with any questions about the class.

Everyday Weather: On Tuesday, Nov. 13 at 1 p.m., you can come learn how everyday weather factors are measured and reported.

Clouds, winds, temperatures and storms will be described and information will be provided on the National Weather Service and military weather products and services.

The course will also cover how weather information affects and is used in industry, agriculture, aviation and ocean and land transportation.

Examples of forecast and climate products will be shown.  Colonel Floyd Hauth, USAF (Ret) has more than 50 years’ experience as a meteorologist for the military, federal government and industry.

Hauth earned a Bachelor’s degree in meteorology from Penn State University in 1962 and a Master’s degree in meteorology from the University of Wisconsin Madison in 1968.  He also has experience in television weather and teaching at University level.

Diabetes Prevention:  Lori Rancik, RN, BSN, will be presenting this class on Thursday, Nov. 29 at 1p.m.

At the completion of the program, participants should be able to define prediabetes and identify risk factors for developing Type 2 diabetes, acquire knowledge of basic nutritional requirements and what is considered healthy weight, learn practical ways to adjust diet for improved glycemic control, healthy weight management, nutritional balance and enjoyment of food, recognize the importance of physical activity and learn how to incorporate exercise in a busy lifestyle and identify behavior modification strategies to improve success in preventing diabetes.

The Staged Train Engine Collision 1914 will be presented Tuesday, Dec. 11 at 1 p.m. The Lubin Film Company of Philadelphia found two older train engines in Philipsburg and used them for a head-on staged collision in Chester Hill on Sept. 8, 1914.

A crowd of 10,000 showed up to view the spectacle that was used in a number of silent movies during the World War I era.  Still photos and actual film footage of the collision will be shown.

The filming is a legendary part of local history.  David Wulderk, presenter, is a retired high school social studies teacher and president of both the Osceola Mills Community Historical Foundation and the Clearfield County Historical Society.

Since retiring, Wulderk has spent quite a bit of time researching and presenting local historical programs to various groups in the Clearfield County area.

The local part of Pennsylvania has a rich historical legacy that has direct ties to national trends and developments.  He has always thought that ordinary people, in this locale, have often risen to perform the most extraordinary feats, usually for the good of all.

To register for classes, please visit the agency’s Web site at and click on the “Life-long Learning Institute” link or sign up by calling 814-765-2696.

Programs and services of the agency are funded in part by the Pennsylvania Department of Aging, the Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging Inc, Mature Resources Foundation and local and consumer contributions.

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