Parker Dam Programs Scheduled for Sept. 7-24

PENFIELD – Staff members at the Parker Dam State Park have announced the program schedule for Sept. 7-24.

Friday, Sept. 7

Dangerous Invasions: 

7:30 p.m. – Campground Amphitheater

Come learn about some of the plants that have made their way in the Commonwealth and threaten the biodiversity of the native ecosystems.  In the not so distant future, invading species may be the largest environmental threat we face.  We’ll also discuss invading insects, reptiles, and aquatic organisms; as well as how to help native species.

Saturday, Sept. 8

Marvelous Mushrooms:  Guest Speaker – Karen Croyle

3 p.m. – Environmental Education Classroom

A large diversity of fungi can be seen in our yards and forests.  Fungi play a huge role in most ecosystems.  Come for the discussion about mushrooms and the methods you can use to identify them.  Then take a walk to discover many types of fungi.

PA’s Hidden Treasures: 

7:30 p.m. – Campground Amphitheater

Fungi are much more than toadstools and such—we would not have a forest without them.  Learn more about how mushrooms and fungi are essential to the ecosystems in which they live and how people in Pennsylvania study and enjoy them.

Friday, Sept. 14

Night Sky and Planets: 

8:30 p.m. – Spillway, near CCC Museum

If you are interested in learning more about the night sky and observing various celestial objects through some of the park’s optics, come to this program near the breast of the dam.

Saturday, Sept. 15

PA Elk: Reclaiming the Alleghenies: 

8 p.m. – Campground Amphitheater

Here we are in the peak of the elk rut—and what do you really know about this magnificent creature?  Learn some of the natural history of our PA elk—impress your family and friends during your elk watching adventures.

Monday, Sept. 24

Moon Walk: 

8 p.m. – Beach House 

The full moon this evening should provide the illumination for taking a short walk around the day use and cabin areas.  Humans have created some pretty fantastic stories about the moon.  Learn what is actually going on up there.  The phases of the moon will also be explained.

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