Child Advocacy Centers Issue Statement on Grand Jury Report

The Child Advocacy Center of Clearfield County and The Pennsylvania Chapter of Children’s Advocacy Centers and Multidisciplinary Teams issued the following statement on the grand jury report.

The full statement read:

“With the release of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury report concerning the abuse of children in six Pennsylvania Catholic Dioceses on Tuesday, we believe that it is vitally important to provide information to help victims of child abuse and their families.

“We offer the following information to all victims of child abuse – not just those covered by the Grand Jury Report:

“Remember, although the current news is focused on abuse perpetrated by members of the clergy, abuse can happen anywhere by anyone.

“There is no profile or demographic that identifies a potential abuser. We all need to help insure the safety of our children.

“Some people are mandatory reporters of child abuse but ANYONE can make a report to ChildLine if they know or suspect that a child is being abused.

“The Pennsylvania Chapter of Children’s Advocacy Centers and Multi-Disciplinary Teams provides technical support to children’s advocacy centers and multi-disciplinary teams throughout the state. 

“The Chapter works diligently with member organizations throughout the Commonwealth to ensure that the cultural changes are in place to bring the secrets of abuse to light. 

“The Chapter will continue to work with the programs around the state as well as our partners to educate communities and organizations on the signs and symptoms of child abuse.  

“The Chapter urges communities to become educated on the topic of child abuse.  Reach out to your local child advocacy center to learn more about resources in your area.

“To find the Child Advocacy Center near you visit the PA Chapter’s Web site at”

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