Curwensville Borough Discusses Handful of Items

CURWENSVILLE – A handful of items were discussed by the Curwensville Borough Council during Monday’s meeting.

Mayor John Adams reported that the borough received nine to 11 resumes for the position of School Resource Officer and narrowed the selection down to five.

One person has not returned calls or e-mails, so four people will be interviewed. A special meeting is scheduled for Wednesday at 6 p.m. to choose which person to hire.

Animal Enforcement Officer Tom Shaffer reported that he has filed criminal charges against a repeat offender. He said the person does not keep his dog tied, and the dog has not only been a problem loose, but has also bitten people.

Shaffer said it has been ongoing for years and he feels the dog is not being taken care of.

Under finance and personnel, Harriet Carfley reported the possibility of a grant from the state Department of Community and Economic Development.

A meeting is being planned between DCED representatives and the Curwensville Regional Development Corp., and borough representatives are welcome to attend.

The street committee is also looking at the possibility of a $90,000 grant to help with a project on Anderson and Bradley streets. The project was put out for bid, but no one put in a bid for the project because contractors are too busy.

The money would be added to the $100,000 already set aside for the project, and bids put out in January.

Council held an executive session for over a half hour, for personnel and land acquisition, but no action was taken.

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