Eagle Scout Project to Benefit Those Attending CASD Sporting Events

CLEARFIELD–  An Eagle Scout Project benefiting those attending sporting events at the Clearfield Area School District was given the go-ahead by the school board at Tuesday’s meeting.

Jeremiah Vezza approached the board with his plans for a project to construct eight benches, four to be placed at the junior varsity baseball field and four to be placed at the beginning of the cross country course. The benches have the added attraction of being able to fold down and form picnic tables.

Vezza said he has noticed that some of the family members coming to watch the events are handicapped or at least have some mobility issues and need additional accommodation for seating. The benches are handicap accessible.

The benches will be constructed with pressure treated boards and each will have a plaque stating they were dedicated to the district by Jeremiah Vezza. He said he does not know if he will paint them or not yet.

The next step, now that the board has approved the project is for Vezza to get approval from his local Boy Scout Council.

The board voted on items from the committee meeting June 18 with several additions to the committee reports.

Under the Education and Personnel Committee’s new hires/transfers/volunteers the board approved hiring Hannah Witherite, elementary grade four teacher, effective Aug. 22; appointing Stephen Switala as dramatics coach and musical dramatic coach; Andrew Rothrock as assistant musical dramatics coach and Lewis Duttry as audio visual assistant.

Two positions were collapsed. The first is a full time PCA position at the Junior/Senior High School. The Second is the open secondary German position due to the inability to create an applicant pool. Superintendent Terry Struble said they have not had any applicants to the position. Those students still in the German program will have the option of taking classes via cyber school. The cyber school option is also available for those wishing to take French and Mandarin Chinese and possibly Latin.

One resignation was added to the list. Lauren Boczaar, secondary English teacher has resigned due to finding a position closer to her home.

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