Quehanna Boot Camp Donates Bench

Pictured, from left to right, are: Clearfield County Sheriff Michael Churner; Clearfield County District Attorney William A. Shaw Jr.; Child Advocacy Center of Clearfield County Director Mary Tatum; QBC Unit Manager Clint Youngfleish; QBC Maintenance Foreman Paul Reams; and QBC Maintenance Foreman Bryan Wooster. (Provided photo)

KARTHAUS – In observance of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (April 8?14, 2018) and Child Abuse Protection Month (April), an outdoor bench was created by Quehanna Boot Camp (QBC) inmates and donated to the Clearfield County Victim/Witness Office.

“We felt a tangible item would serve as a lasting tribute to crime victims,” said QBC Superintendent Mary Natoli.

“The idea of an outdoor bench was suggested and our Office of Victim Advocate liaison, Unit Manager Clint Youngfleish, contacted Clearfield County District Attorney [William A.] Shaw Jr., who mentioned the Child Advocacy Center (CAC) of Clearfield County was in need of outdoor seating and that it would be appreciated.”

The bench was presented to Shaw, Clearfield County Sheriff Michael Churner and CAC Director Mary Tatum on Tuesday, May 15, and is located at the CAC in Hyde.

The Child Advocacy Center is a safe place for kids who may have been abused. The center brings together a team of specially trained professionals who evaluate and investigate cases of child abuse and help children and their families.

CACs are designed to be child-focused and reduce the stress experienced by child survivors of abuse and their non-offending family members throughout the investigation and intervention process.

“We have continued to work towards creating a comfortable environment for children and their families,” said Tatum.

“By having this bench beside the building, families can sit outside with a victim advocate to help them feel more comfortable throughout their appointment at the Child Advocacy Center.”

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