Real Relationships Classes Available for Couples, Individuals

Real Relationships, a free relationship education program, will hold weekly classes for couples and individuals starting in June.

Free classes for couples will be held Wednesdays, starting June 13, from 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. at the First United Presbyterian Church in DuBois and Children’s Aid Society in Clearfield.

Classes for individuals will be held at both locations, starting June 11 at DuBois and June 12 in Clearfield. Each class includes free dinner, child care and gas cards.

The program teaches skills that can benefit every relationship, not just the romantic ones.

From co-workers to in-laws to friends, Real Relationships can help improve your relationships with even the most difficult person.

For details or to sign up, call 814-765-2686 or e-mail

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