Relay For Life of the Moshannon Valley Slightly Ahead in Fundraiser Goal  

Relay For Life of the Moshannon Valley’s Event Leadership Team learned its year-to-date total is slightly ahead of its fundraising efforts at this same point last year at its meeting held April 10.

At the start of the meeting, the 10 registered teams had raised $10,008.58 of its $50,000 goal with just more than two months to go before the event.

It was welcome news as the leadership discussed preparations for its first-ever paddle auction fundraiser. It is scheduled for Sunday from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. at the Morrisdale Recreation Center on Deer Creek Road.

Admission is $5 and extra paddles can be purchased for $3. The doors will open at 12 p.m. to allow attendees the chance to view the prizes.

The ELT also discussed the urgent need for a volunteer to head up the Survivors & Caregivers committee.

The head of the committee is responsible for coordinating volunteers for the setup of the Survivors and Caregivers dinner that his held the day of the Relay.

The previous chair of the committee stepped down at the end of last year, but they have offered to assist their successor in making the preparations.

Anyone interested in heading up the committee is asked to contact Event Leader Tim Nebgen at 814-339-6292, 814-592-8823 or

Relay For Life of the Moshannon Valley is scheduled for Saturday, June 23 at Geisinger Medical Center in Philipsburg. The theme for this year’s event is Walk of Fame.

Each team has selected a celebrity who battled cancer and will decorate their tent site in honor or in memory of that celebrity.

Some of those selected include Shirley Temple, Olivia Newton John, Patrick Swayze, Walt Disney and Mr. Rodgers.

For more information on Relay For Life of the Moshannon Valley, visit its Web site at or like the on Facebook.

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