Prison Board Questioned About Problems in Prothonotary’s Office Last Year

CLEARFIELD – During Thursday’s Prison Board meeting, the board heard from Charlie Lombardo, who had some questions about the problems brought up last year regarding the jail and Prothonotary’s Office.

At that time, there were questions regarding the timeliness of paperwork in criminal matters. This included the paperwork needed to transfer prisoners in the Clearfield County Jail to state prison.

Lombardo wanted to know if the issue was resolved, what it costs the county and the costs of any overtime at the Prothonotary’s office.

Commissioner Tony Scotto answered and said that when the issue was brought up at a Prison Board meeting, there was never a direct answer as to where the problem was.

He said there were several things he believed were part of the problem and he added that he does not know if anything has been resolved or if it is still an ongoing issue.

Lombardo claimed that when the former Prothonotary, William Shaw Sr., was in office he didn’t hear of any similar issues.

He wanted to know if the Prothonotary ended up hiring extra staff to help with the problem.

Vice Chairman John Sobel, who conducted the meeting in the absence of President Judge Fredric Ammerman, said that no one else was hired in the office, but there has been overtime.

He said as far as he is aware, it is an ongoing issue and Lombardo can talk with Prothonotary Brian Spencer for specifics.

As to the amount of money, Sobel said that was something they can look into and get back to Lombardo with.

The board then moved onto the warden’s report. The month of March began with 150 inmates with 145 committed and 134 released, ending with 160.

Currently there are 157 housed with 12 in Jefferson County. Warden Gregory Collins said that number includes 40 women.

Also, the month began with one inmate on work release, one added during the month, ending the month with two on work release.



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