Conway: ‘Get with the program or get out’

Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway’s warning to those who want to work in the White House is simple: “Get with the program or get out.”

“If you are not with the program, you should get with the program or get out,” Conway said Friday in an interview on Fox News, in the wake of several Trump administration departures.

She added of Trump, “But that doesn’t mean blind loyalty. This is a man who takes into consideration everybody’s different input and ideas.”

This month alone, the administration has undergone three changes to its key positions.

Former US ambassador John Bolton will step in as national security adviser in April after H.R. McMaster announced Thursday he’ll be resigning and retiring. Sources told CNN McMaster had been on thin ice for a while and Trump had privately expressed irritation with McMaster.

Last week, following months of tension between them, Trump fired Rex Tillerson as secretary of state and replaced him with CIA director Mike Pompeo.

Trump also tapped conservative media analyst Larry Kudlow to replace Gary Cohn as the new director of the White House’s National Economic Council, after Cohn resigned over internal disagreements about the President’s decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports.

On Friday, Conway said Trump could not have been more clear about how he feels about tariffs or his approach to trade with China a day after Trump announced his administration would level tariffs on about $50 billion worth of Chinese imports.

“He’s been talking about this for decades. Certainly for three years as a candidate, President-elect and now President. It’s his agenda. If people support it, they should be here,” she told Fox News.

She also defended Bolton and Kudlow as “men of intellectual heft and substantial accomplishments in their field.”

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