Bannon: If Kelly leaves the White House, I don’t think there will be another chief of staff

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon said Thursday that if John Kelly, the current White House chief of staff, were to leave, Bannon does “not believe there will be another chief of staff.”

During the Financial Times’ “Future of News” conference Thursday afternoon in New York, Bannon said he thinks President Donald Trump will instead choose to have “five or six direct reports” from key members of his staff, similar to how business was conducted at Trump Tower.

“I think the President is a very hands-on manager and feels more comfortable” with such a style, Bannon said, adding that he thinks Kelly put “too much” structure into the White House.

“Reince (Priebus’) style was a little bit more like President Trump was used to. General Kelly came in and it was completely different, very ordered, very structured,” Bannon added. “I think we’ve seen a reaction to that and I believe you’re going to see the President much more directly in contact with staff people.”

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