What’s included in Congress’ $1.3 trillion spending bill?

As Congress creeps closer to a government shutdown deadline, leaders unveiled a $1.3 trillion plan to fund the federal government through September on Wednesday night.

The bill is expected to be among the final major pieces of legislation to pass Congress before the fall’s midterm elections, so many lawmakers were hoping to get wording related to their key issues into the plan seen as the metaphorical last train leaving the station.

So what is in the omnibus bill? Here’s just some of what’s included in the plan:

Legislation that will incentivize states and federal agencies to enter data into the country’s National Instant Criminal Background Checks system for gun purchases.
$4 billion to address the country’s opioid crisis
$380 million for election security grants
Funding that can be used for the controversial Gateway project, which aims to bolster railway infrastructure between New York and New Jersey
A technical fix to the tax bill that now will give grain buyers — regardless of whether they are a co-op or not — equal footing
$21 billion for infrastructure projects all around the country
An increase in Childcare Development Block Grants,
Expansion of the low-income housing tax credit
More money for the National Park Service
More money for veteran hospitals and veterans’ homes
Pay raise for the troops
$2.3 billion for school safety
$1.57 billion for border security, including barriers and technology

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