Only 4 Cabinet secretaries on school safety panel, DeVos says

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said on Tuesday that the Federal School Safety Commission that President Donald Trump recently tapped her to lead will be made up of just four Cabinet secretaries.

DeVos will be joined by Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, she told a congressional panel Tuesday.

The limited membership is intended to avoid the commission getting “bogged down in a lot of bureaucracy,” she said.

“That is the composition of the commission itself,” DeVos said when pressed by Rep. Katherine Clark, D-Massachusetts, about the makeup of the commission. “We will be inviting and having forums and meetings with a wide variety of experts, not only here but across the country”

The commission will hold its first hearing in the next few weeks, DeVos said.

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