Stormy Daniels’ mother on Trump: ‘I would vote for him every time’

The mother of Stormy Daniels, a porn star in the center of a controversy roiling President Donald Trump’s second year in office, said she is a staunch supporter of the President.

“If Mr. Trump runs four more times, I would vote for him every time,” Sheila Gregory told The Dallas Morning News in an article published Wednesday.

Gregory said she has not spoken to her daughter in 12 years but claimed she tries to call often. Asked by the paper about the claim, a lawyer for Daniels responded only, “Fake News,” and the article noted a Rolling Stone profile that previously said Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Gregory Clifford, does not speak with her mother or biological father.

Daniels’ parents divorced when she was a small child, and Bill Gregory, her biological father, acknowledged to The Dallas Morning News that he paid child support but did not have much involvement in how his daughter was raised.

Bill Gregory said his daughter was an adult who could “do what she wants to do” but that he worries about her current safety.

“You start rattling the cage of powerful people, and you don’t know what might happen,” he said.

The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this year that Trump lawyer Michael Cohen had paid Daniels hush money to enforce her silence about an alleged affair between herself and Trump in 2006. Ensuing revelations about the alleged affair and payment have thrust Daniels into the national spotlight and prompted legal complaints that the payment may have been an unreported, in-kind contribution to Trump’s campaign and therefore in violation of campaign finance laws.

Cohen, in a statement acknowledging he facilitated the payment to Daniels, asserted he did not violate any law, and Daniels is suing to dissolve the nondisclosure agreement.

New documents obtained by CNN on Wednesday suggested another Trump attorney besides Cohen was involved in establishing the limited liability company used to pay Daniels.

Trump and the White House have denied any sexual encounter between him and Clifford.

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