Stormy Daniels’ lawyer says other women are considering legal cases against Trump

The lawyer representing Stormy Daniels says that, on the heels of her lawsuit against Donald Trump, several other women are now exploring the possibility of legal action against the President.

Attorney Michael Avenatti confirmed that several women recently came to him seeking to potentially build legal cases against Trump. He would not identify the women. Avenatti’s claim was first reported by BuzzFeed.

At least 15 women have come forward with a wide range of accusations against Trump, ranging from sexual harassment and sexual assault to lewd behavior around women. Of the women, 13 say Trump attacked them directly and two others say they witnessed behavior that made them uncomfortable. All the alleged incidents took place prior to his assuming the presidency.

Trump and the White House have denied all the allegations.

It is unclear whether any women from that group are among those who Avenatti says approached him.

Avenatti filed a lawsuit on Daniels’ behalf last week to get her out of a nondisclosure agreement she signed with Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen. The porn star, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford, says the agreement was designed to keep her quiet about an alleged 2006 affair with Trump.

Both Cohen and the White House have denied the allegations of an affair between Daniels and Trump.

Cohen admitted that he had paid Clifford $130,000 from his own pocket through a private LLC as part of the deal just before the 2016 election. Her complaint argues the deal is not valid because Trump himself did not sign it, though Cohen did.

The lawsuit also alleges Daniels was intimidated into signing the nondisclosure agreement.

Since her lawsuit was filed, Daniels has offered to pay back the money she took to allow her to tell her story.

Avenatti says the deadline for that offer has passed with no response from either Michael Cohen or Donald Trump.

The first hearing in the case is scheduled for July 12 in a Los Angeles court.

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