Music superstars will stand with students at March for Our Lives

The students taking part in March for Our Lives in Washington D.C. later this month are going to have some superstar singers by their sides.

David Hogg, a survivor of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, made the announcement Wednesday while appearing on CNN.

“We’re gonna have four major independent women that are standing with us and walking beside us, and those are Ariana Grande, Jennifer Hudson, Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato,” he said. “They’re gonna be standing there with us and marching with us and they’re some of the few people that are really coming out and stepping up with us.”

Representatives for the four singers have not responded to CNN’s request for comment.

March for Our Lives, a demonstration in support of common-sense gun control, is set to take place March 24 in Washington, D.C.

The women join a growing list of celebrities supporting the event.

Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney and Steven Spielberg are among those who have donated money for the march.

Hudson, Lovato and Cyrus have been vocal on the issue of gun violence recently.

On Wednesday, as news of student walkouts around the country powered the news cycle, Hudson tweeted: “I am completely inspired by the students and communities standing up for the future safety of everyone and to honor those we’ve lost from senseless acts of gun violence. I stand with you and raise my voice with yours. #ENOUGH”

Cyrus also spoke up about students’ display of activism.

“Proud of all of you! Never give up! You are THE change!” she wrote in a tweet. “So amazing to see young people take back their power and USE it!”

Lovato, who brought survivors from the Stoneman Douglas shooting on stage with her during the opening show of her tour, also spoke about being “pro-gun control” in a recent interview with Billboard.

“There are certain pop stars who don’t speak out politically, and they have more fans,” she told the magazine. “But I’d rather speak up for the things I believe in than just be dismissive of the issues going on in our country.”

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