Stormy Daniels’ friend: Trump ‘would call all the time’ during affair

Keith Munyan, a close personal friend of Stormy Daniels, confirmed to CNN he listened in on several private phone conversations between the porn actress and the man who would become president.

“She would go, ‘Oh look who’s calling me now,’ ” and would put Donald Trump on speakerphone while Munyan and Daniels listened, Munyan told The Daily Beast and confirmed to CNN.

“He would call all the time,” Munyan said, adding that the calls occurred between 2006 and 2007, the time frame in which Daniels alleges she was having an affair with Trump.

“That man can talk about nothing for hours,” Munyan said.

He said the conversations between Daniels and Trump were businesslike.

“It was always about business and what her goals are,” Munyan said.

According to Munyan, during one of those conversations, Trump offered Daniels keys to an apartment in New York, which he says Daniels refused. He also says Trump offered Daniels a spot on his NBC reality show, “The Apprentice,” during one of the calls. That is a detail Daniels mentioned in an In Touch magazine interview in 2011, the only interview in which Daniels herself has described the alleged affair with Trump.

In a lawsuit Daniels filed last week, she alleges the relationship with Trump started in the summer of 2006, during a Lake Tahoe golf tournament, and lasted well into 2007. Trump has denied the affair through statements by his lawyer and the White House.

Munyan added that he knew of the relationship between Daniels and Trump while it was still happening, and an interview with Munyan was previously reported by The Daily Beast. In fact, Munyan said he was at his home with Daniels in 2007 when Trump sent a limousine to pick her up and whisk her away to the Miss USA Pageant in Hollywood.

Munyan, a professional photographer, is one of the four people named in the nondisclosure agreement that was signed by Trump’s longtime personal attorney, Michael Cohen, and Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford. The agreement was signed in October 2016, just weeks before the presidential election, to keep Daniels from talking about her alleged affair with Trump.

“The reason she signed the NDA was to protect her family,” Munyan told The Daily Beast. “She signed it because she felt intimidated.”

Daniels also received $130,000 from Cohen to seal the deal, before the election. On Monday, in a letter from her attorney, Daniels offered to give that money back to Trump if he would let her speak freely and make the agreement null and void. Neither Trump nor his attorney responded to the offer, according to Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti.

Last month, Cohen admitted to making a payment to Clifford, writing in a statement: “Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly.”

Following initial reports that Cohen had made the payment, he said in a statement that Trump “vehemently denies” any encounter between the two.

Munyan, a professional photographer who has shot celebrities and public figures for 25 years, met Daniels on a photo shoot in 2005. He said they bonded over the facts that they are both from Louisiana and love horses.

Munyan said that no matter what people who don’t know her think, Daniels is “very intelligent, smart and very articulate.” And, he says, most of all “she is funny.”

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