Trump defends White House gun proposals that back off new age limit

President Donald Trump defended Monday his administration’s newly unveiled gun and school safety proposals, specifically his walkback of support for raising the age limit for certain firearms.

“On 18 to 21 Age Limits, watching court cases and rulings before acting. States are making this decision,” Trump tweeted.

Trump and his press office previously said he would support raising the age limit.

“I think we’ll have a great bill put forward, very soon, having to do with strong background checks … and perhaps we’ll do something on age because it doesn’t seem to make sense that you have to wait until you are 21 years old to get a pistol, but to get a gun like this maniac used in the school, you get that at 18,” he told Fox News in an interview that aired February 24. “That doesn’t make sense.”

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders subsequently told reporters: “The President still supports raising the age limit to the age of 21 for the purchase of certain firearms.”

But the proposals laid out Sunday punt the issue to a newly established school safety commission headed by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

“Things are moving rapidly on this, but not much political support (to put it mildly),” Trump tweeted.

The National Rifle Association on Friday sued the state of Florida after Republican Gov. Rick Scott signed Senate Bill 7026 into law, the first gun control legislation enacted in the state after the Parkland school massacre on February 14.

The NRA has not yet commented on the White House proposals.

Trump also touted tenets of his policy including strengthening background checks and providing some school personnel with “rigorous” firearms training.

“Very strong improvement and strengthening of background checks will be fully backed by White House. Legislation moving forward. Bump Stocks will soon be out. Highly trained expert teachers will be allowed to conceal carry, subject to State Law. Armed guards OK, deterrent!”

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