Warren: ‘Don’t see how any senator’ can vote for Wall Street deregulation

Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren warned Sunday that a banking bill under consideration — with the support of several Democrats — would increase the chance of a financial crisis.

“Frankly, I just don’t see how any senator can vote to weaken the regulations on Wall Street banks,” the Massachusetts senator told CNN’s Jim Acosta on “State of the Union.”

Warren has been a vocal opponent of the banking bill, which would roll back some of the regulations from the Obama-era Dodd-Frank law and has received significant Democratic backing in addition to overwhelming Republican support.

An analysis of the bill from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said its passage would increase the likelihood of a major financial institution cratering or a financial crisis, a point Warren cited during the interview, taped Saturday.

“It puts us at greater risk that there will be another taxpayer bailout, that there will be another crash and another taxpayer bailout,” Warren said.

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