Steven Spielberg’s ‘Ready Player One’ to have world premiere at SXSW

Moviegoers will get their first look at Steven Spielberg’s latest film in Austin rather than Hollywood.

“Ready Player One,” the new Warner Bros. film directed by Spielberg, will hold its world premiere at Austin’s SXSW conference and festival Sunday night, the conference announced Saturday.

“We are thrilled to be premiering ‘Ready Player One’ at SXSW,” Janet Pierson, director of film at SXSW, said in a statement. “The film brings to the screen a story that has captivated millions of readers around the globe.”

The film is based on the science fiction novel by Ernest Cline, and tells the story of Wade Watts’ adventures through the virtual reality world of the OASIS in the year 2045.

“In the hands of Steven Spielberg, inarguably one of our greatest directors, we know the film is going to be a special cinematic event for our attendees,” Pierson added.

Warner Bros. has pulled out all the stops at SXSW to promote the film, which opens later this month. Posters and advertisements are plastered on nearly every street corner in downtown Austin and the studio has put together the “‘Ready Player One’ Experience” — a giant activation that incorporates virtual reality and other aspects from the film.

A secret screening of the film at SXSW was rumored, but came as a surprise to most attending the festival. It will take place at Austin’s Paramount Theater.

“Ready Player One,” will open to the public on March 29. (Warner Bros., like CNN, is owned by Time Warner.)

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