NY Times: Trump looking at adding impeachment lawyer to WH team

President Donald Trump met with a lawyer who represented then-President Bill Clinton during the impeachment process and is talking with him about a role at the White House, The New York Times reported Saturday.

The Times, citing four people familiar with the matter, said Trump met with lawyer Emmet T. Flood in the Oval Office about joining the team as Trump and his allies continue to deal with the special counsel investigation led by former FBI Director Robert Mueller.

Two of the sources told the paper that no final decision had been made, and the Times said Flood joining the team would not replace White House lawyer Ty Cobb.

The apparent signal that Trump is preparing for the investigation to continue through the immediate future comes as Mueller’s investigation has produced multiple indictments and as the President has seen the departure of key White House personnel.

The Times’ report said Cobb has told friends he does not expect to remain in his job for much longer.

Flood’s corporate profile outlines his experience in several high-profile legal fights, including the Clinton impeachment process and former Vice President Dick Cheney in a civil suit from former CIA officer Valerie Plame.

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