5 days, 15 big stories, 1 Trump White House

Quick: Tell me what happened on Monday at the Trump White House.

Chances are, you can’t remember.  Which is something you now have in common with roughly 99% of the population.  The pace of news created by President Trump when coupled with wall-to-wall cable news coverage and the tweeting, the tweeting, always the tweeting makes Monday feel like a month ago.

Which is where we — me and superstar producer Brenna Williams — come in. Every Friday from now on, I am just going to give you, precious Point reader, a day-by-day list of the big White House stories of the week — with links to we wrote about them.

Think of it as a cheat sheet. Or a refresher course. Or a remembrance of things past.  

Here we go!


-Sam Nunberg: ‘I’m not going to get sent to prison’ 


-Trump says there isn’t chaos in the White House

-Stormy Daniels sues President Trump over alleged affair and ‘hush’ agreement

-Trump administration to sue California over immigration policies

-Top economic adviser Gary Cohn leaves White House in wake of tariff fight

-Office of Special Counsel: Conway violated Hatch Act


-Stormy Daniels’ lawyers claims Trump’s lawyer ‘further threatened’ her

-US sanctions North Korea after blaming country for Kim Jong Nam’s killing

-Democrats say Trump associate may have misled House panel over Seychelles meeting


-Trump announces steel and aluminum tariffs despite GOP objections

-Trump accepts offer to meet Kim Jong Un

-Trump upset with Sarah Sanders over Stormy Daniels response

-Woman named in Stormy Daniels’ document accused Trump of unwanted advances 


-Nunberg reverses course, arrives at court to appear before Mueller grand jury

-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson changes tune after Trump accepts meeting with Kim 

The Point: Thats’s 15 BIG stories in 5 days. Broaden the aperture even slightly on what constitutes a “big” story and you could easily have two dozen. This is life in Trump’s Washington. And it’s not going to slow down.

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