Anderson Cooper interviews Stormy Daniels for ’60 Minutes’

Anderson Cooper has taped an interview with Stephanie Clifford, the adult film actress known as Stormy Daniels who alleged a sexual relationship with Donald Trump and is now suing the president.

The interview will air on the CBS newsmagazine “60 Minutes,” where Cooper is a regular contributor.

But the exact air date is unknown. A source involved in the taping said it will air “on a future episode.” A “60 Minutes” spokesman declined to comment.

Cooper interviewed Clifford’s lawyer Michael Avenatti on CNN on Wednesday night.

On Thursday afternoon, Avenatti tweeted a picture of himself with Clifford and Cooper.

The interview is a big scoop for Cooper and “60 Minutes.” “The president and the porn star” has been a top story this week due to allegations that date back to 2006.

Daniels has said she had a consensual relationship with Trump that year.

She gave a detailed interview about the alleged affair to In Touch magazine in 2011. The allegations could have resurfaced in the final days of the 2016 presidential election.

Several news outlets, including ABC’s “Good Morning America,” were in touch with Clifford about a possible interview regarding Trump.

But then she struck a deal with Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen. She was paid $130,000 through a nondisclosure agreement.

Cohen said last month that “the payment to Ms. Clifford was lawful, and was not a campaign contribution or a campaign expenditure by anyone.”

But there are growing questions about whether he ran afoul of campaign finance laws.

Meanwhile, Clifford sued Trump this week, claiming the nondisclosure agreement is void because Trump never signed it.

“That agreement is null and void. It doesn’t mean anything,” Avenatti told Cooper Wednesday night.

While the complex legal drama unfolds, there are also basic questions about Trump, Clifford, and the appearance of a cover-up.

As Cooper asked on “AC360” Wednesday night, “What did the president know and when did he know it about buying the silence — and recent legal action to reinforce that silence — about a porn star extramarital affair in the run-up to the election?”

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