Trump helps Bush win in Texas despite vicious history with Bushes

One big winner in Tuesday’s Texas primary is George P. Bush, the only member of one of the most dominant American political dynasties who is currently in office.

Bush won the GOP primary to seek a second term as Texas land commissioner, and with more than 50% of the vote, he avoided an embarrassing runoff.

He did it with a little help from President Donald Trump, who weighed in on Twitter last week to support Bush.

“Texas LC George P. Bush backed me when it wasn’t the politically correct thing to do, and I back him now,” Trump tweeted.

It’s a remarkable thing considering the long and vicious history between Trump and Bush’s father, Jeb, who was a bitter rival of Trump’s during the 2016 primary. Trump memorably called him “low energy.”

Trump and George P. Bush’s uncle, former President George W. Bush, are not exactly simpatico, either.

Trump has said Bush’s administration lied in taking the US to war with Iraq.

Bush has been oblique but critical of Trumpism.

Not so with George P. Bush, who endorsed Trump back in 2016 after his father dropped out of the primary and mentioned his work with and endorsement of Trump in a primary campaign ad.

Support for George P. Bush probably does not portend a warming of relations between the current President and the leaders of the Bush dynasty.

The day before he endorsed the younger Bush on Twitter, Trump slammed both former Presidents Bush for their handling of North Korea in remarks at the White House.

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