Kushner heads to Mexico following Trump-Peña Nieto dispute

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner is traveling to Mexico on Wednesday for meetings, including one with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, a senior administration official tells CNN.

The timing of the meeting comes amid NAFTA negotiations and questions over President Donald Trump’s tariff proposal. It also comes shortly after Kushner had his security clearance downgraded because he had not obtained his full clearance.

The official said “a range of bilateral issues, including security, immigration, trade and economics,” will be discussed.

Last month, Peña Nieto called off an official trip to Washington to meet with Trump following a tense phone call between the two leaders, a White House official said.

According to The Washington Post, officials from both countries told the paper that Peña Nieto “called off the plan after Trump would not agree to publicly affirm Mexico’s position that it would not fund construction of a border wall.”

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