Toronto police find 7th set of remains connected to serial killer

Toronto police announced Monday that they discovered a seventh set of human remains in planters connected to an alleged serial killer.

In addition, police took the extraordinary step of releasing a photo of a bearded man who they believe is a deceased victim of the alleged serial killer, and they asked the public for help in identifying the John Doe.

Bruce McArthur, 66, was arrested earlier this year and has been charged with six counts of first-degree murder for the deaths of Selim Esen, Andrew Kinsman, Majeed Kayhan, Dean Lisowick, Soroush Mahmoudi and Skandaraj Navaratnam.

The human remains were all dismembered body parts in various stages of decomposition, Detective Sgt. Hank Idsinga said. Of the seven sets of human remains discovered in planters, three have been identified as belonging to Kinsman, Mahmudi and Navaratnam. The other four sets of remains are still unidentified, officials said.

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