Trump calls for action to stop mass shootings in US

President Donald Trump called on a bipartisan group of lawmakers at the White House on Wednesday to “turn our grief into action” and move in a bipartisan way “to end this senseless violence” of mass shootings.

“It can be ended and it will be ended,” Trump said.

The President on Wednesday once again called for the need to “harden” schools and arming “people with a certified training” to carry guns in schools, though he noted that “some people will oppose” that — and urged those opponents to voice their criticism.

Trump also stressed the importance of strengthening the background check system and once again said he pressed the National Rifle Association over the weekend on the need for action.

“I am the biggest fan of the Second Amendment. I am a big fan of the NRA. I had lunch with (them) on Sunday and I said, ‘It’s time, we’re gonna stop this nonsense this time,’ ” Trump said.

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