Jeff Sessions spotted at dinner with DOJ officials Rosenstein, Francisco

Three top Justice Department officials were spotted dining together at an upscale Washington restaurant on Wednesday night, according to a source who saw them there.

The source said Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Solicitor General Noel Francisco ate at Central Michel Richard, which is almost across the street from the Trump International Hotel and several blocks down Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House.

The source did not provide additional details on the dinner.

Earlier Wednesday, President Donald Trump had lashed out again at Sessions on Twitter for his oversight of the Justice Department.

The President chastised Sessions over an investigation into alleged surveillance abuses, calling his approach “disgraceful.”

Earlier Wednesday evening, CNN shot exclusive video of Sessions, Rosenstein, Francisco and Justice Department spokesperson Sarah Isgur Flores walking down the street from the Justice Department.

At one point, Sessions pumped his fist in the air as he walked past several people.

Rosenstein is overseeing special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 US election after Sessions recused himself. The probe is looking into any potential ties between Trump campaign associates and the Russians. Trump has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.

The Washington Post reported on Wednesday evening that behind the scenes, Trump would refer to Sessions as “Mr. Magoo.”

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