Former Trump campaign official said Mueller’s team asked about Hicks

A former Trump campaign aide who has spoken with the special counsel’s office said Robert Mueller’s team asked about comments made by Hope Hicks during the ex-aide’s session with investigators.

This former aide said a comment Hicks made to The New York Times shortly after the election denying that the campaign had ever had contacts with Russian operatives has been raised in sessions with Mueller’s team as well as with the House and Senate Intelligence committees.

Two days after the 2016 election, Hicks told The New York Times there had been no contacts with Russian officials. “We are not aware of any campaign representatives that were in touch with any foreign entities before yesterday, when Mr. Trump spoke with many world leaders,” Hicks said to the Times then. “Those discussions were congratulatory and forward looking.”

The former campaign aide said investigators with the special counsel’s office, as well as with the House and Senate Intelligence committees, wanted to know if the comment made by Hicks was accurate, given that numerous contacts with Russian individuals have since come to light. Investigators wanted to know whether Hicks in fact knew there had been contacts.

The former aide has responded repeatedly in those sessions: “You have to ask her.”

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