A Parkland shooting victim’s father has this advice for those who oppose arming teachers

The father of a student who was killed in the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School said parents who don’t like President Donald Trump’s controversial suggestion that armed teachers could combat school shooters are free to send their kids to other schools.

“You have the choice to go to any school you want, so my answer to them is, ‘If you don’t want a teacher or a marshal or you don’t want someone with a gun at your school, you go to a gun-free school zone. That’s where you go,'” said Andrew Pollack, who attended the meeting last week at which Trump suggested arming teachers.

Leaving to parents whether to send their children to schools with armed teachers or a police presence “fixes everything,” said Pollack, who spoke Wednesday with anchor Alisyn Camerota on CNN’s “New Day.”

“This is America, and it’s freedom of choice, right?” said Pollack, whose daughter, Meadow, died in the Parkland, Florida massacre.

The grieving father, who gained notoriety after telling the President last week he is “pissed” that school shootings keep happening, reiterated that sentiment with Camerota.

“This is my life,” Pollack said, “and I just want to be the last one. It stops with me.”

Pollack also revealed that he hears Meadow’s voice in his head, calling him “Daddy” and empowering him to “work nonstop” to combat school shootings, he said.

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