Parkland shooting survivor Emma González has more Twitter followers than the NRA

Emma González, a student at the helm of a burgeoning pro-gun control youth movement that erupted after a shooter killed 17 of her classmates and others in Parkland, Florida, now has more Twitter followers than the National Rifle Association.

González created her @Emma4Change account this month, using it for the first time on February 18 — four days after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Since then, she’s built a legion of more than 1 million followers.

The NRA, which joined Twitter in 2009, has 594,000 followers of its main account.

González gave a powerful speech the weekend after the shooting that challenged the NRA and politicians who opted against passing tougher gun laws in response to previous school shootings.

She also posed tough questions to NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch during CNN’s town hall on gun violence. Loesch has 787,000 Twitter followers.

González isn’t the only Stoneman Douglas survivor to build strong Twitter bases following the attack. Classmate David Hogg now has 352,000 followers and Cameron Kasky has 240,000.

All are advocating for tougher gun laws and other measures to increase school safety and are promoting March For Our Lives student rallies on March 24.

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