CPAC panelist laments conservatives’ support for Trump, Roy Moore despite sex abuse allegations

Columnist Mona Charen of the Ethics and Public Policy Center was met with jeers and boos when she criticized conservatives for supporting Roy Moore and President Donald Trump during a #UsToo panel at CPAC.

Charen was one of four women on the panel and was asked what upset her about today’s feminism.

“I’m disappointed in people on our side for being hypocrites about sexual harassers and abusers of women who are in our party, who are sitting in the White House, who brag about their extramarital affairs, who brag about mistreating women,” Charen said. “And because he happens to have a R after his name, we look the other way. We don’t complain. This is a party that was ready to endorse — the Republican party endorsed — Roy Moore for the Senate in the state of Alabama even though he was a credibly accused child molester. You cannot claim that you stand for women and put up with that.”

Audience members immediately pushed back at Charen with some shouting, “that’s not true!”

President Donald Trump and the RNC backed Roy Moore in Alabama’s US Senate race last year, despite allegations of sexual assault and child molestation against Moore. Moore has vehemently denied the accusations.

Charen did not mention Trump by name. However, through his representatives, Trump has previously denied having extramarital affairs with former porn star Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal. The President also acknowledged in October 2016 that it was his voice on an “Access Hollywood” tape in which he boasted about grabbing women’s genitalia.

During the presidential election, at least 15 women made allegations against Trump ranging from sexual harassment and sexual assault to lewd behavior around women. The White House, through its surrogates, has continually denied all the accusations against Trump, saying it was old news that had been litigated during the 2016 campaign.

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