Pence addresses gun debate by touting school safety at CPAC

Vice President Mike Pence told the audience at a conservative gathering outside Washington on Thursday that the “the safety of our nation’s schools and our students” is a top priority for the Trump administration.

Pence also urged people to “come together with American solutions to confront and end this evil in our times.”

His comments came minutes after National Rifle Association head Wayne LaPierre slammed Democrats in a speech that linked the fight over gun control with a broader fight for freedom.

Pence took a more nuanced tone during his speech.

“Later this week, when the President’s meets with the nation’s governors in our nation’s capital, we will make the safety of our nation’s schools and our students our top national priority,” Pence said. “President Trump and our entire administration will continue to take strong action to make our schools safe and to give law enforcement and our families the tools they need to deal with people struggling with dangerous mental illness.”

Pence added that “no child, no teacher, should ever be in danger in an American school.”

The vice president did not get into many specifics on school safety and gun control.

“We will continue with all pray for God’s grace and comfort for all the families impacted by this terrible attack and we will pray for Gods wisdom that all of us in positions of authority might find a way to come together with American solutions to confront and end this evil in our times,” Pence said.

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