NRA uses GIF of Leslie Knope in pro-gun tweet — and Amy Poehler is not here for it

Former “Parks and Recreation” stars are furious that the National Rifle Association tweeted a GIF from a scene in their long-running NBC show.

Following Wendesday’s CNN Town Hall, where students, faculty and parents of victims from the Marjory Stoneman Douglas school shooting gathered for questions and answers with Florida lawmakers, the NRA tweeted a message of support to their official spokesperson, Dana Loesch, who was also at the event to answer questions.

“Thank you for being the voice of over 5 Million #NRA members,” read the tweet, which was posted with a GIF of the show’s main character Leslie Knope pointing and saying, “Thank you.” Knope is famously played by Amy Poehler, who apparently did not mince words when she heard about the tweet.

Michael Schur, the co-creator of the show, who goes by the handle @KenTremendous, tweeted: “Hi, please take this down. I would prefer you not use a GIF from a show I worked on to promote your pro-slaughter agenda.”

He also claimed to have a message from Poehler: “Also, Amy isn’t on twitter, but she texted me a message: ‘Can you tweet the NRA for me and tell them I said f**k off?'”

Nick Offerman, who played Ron Swanson on the show tweeted: “.@NRA @DLoesch our good-hearted show and especially our Leslie Knope represent the opposite of your pro-slaughter agenda – take it down and also please eat sh*t.”

Adam Scott, who played Knope’s husband Ben Wyatt also jumped in the fray with his own fiery response.

“Hey @nra please stay the f**k away from Leslie Knope.”

CNN has reached out to Poehler for comment.

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