Trump’s note card for Parkland shooting discussion: ‘I hear you’

President Donald Trump heard emotional stories Wednesday from people affected by the nation’s deadliest school shootings, and it appears he had an assist in responding to some of the powerful testimony.

In a photo from the event taken by Getty Images photographer Chip Somodevilla, the President is holding a piece of White House stationery with five discussion points written in black marker.

The visible points include prompts such as “1. What would you most want me to know about your experience?” “2. What can we do to help you feel safe?” and “5. I hear you.”

Trump didn’t appear to use the visible prompts, but he did cast a tender tone during the event, saying he grieved for those affected.

He was briefed by White House officials before participating in the listening and did not use a teleprompter during the event.

“We’re fighting hard for you and we will not stop,” Trump said. “I just grieve for you, I feel so — to me, there could be nothing worse than what you’ve gone through.”

He continued, “Thank you for pouring out your hearts because the world is watching and we’re going to come up with a solution.”

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