Teen boy accused in Kentucky school shooting indicted as adult

A 15-year-old boy accused of carrying out a shooting in a Kentucky high school last month has been indicted on murder charges in adult court, the Kentucky State Police said.

Gabriel R. Parker was indicted on two counts of murder and 14 counts of first-degree assault by a grand jury in connection with the January 23 shooting at Marshall County High School in western Kentucky, police said in a statement.

He was arraigned Friday at the Marshall County Circuit Court. His bond was set at $1.5 million, according to The Louisville Courier-Journal.

Since his arrest, Parker had not been identified and was held in a juvenile detention facility.

Prosecutors were expected to ask for the case to be transferred to adult court under youthful offender provisions.

In Kentucky, those rules allow a suspect to be charged in an adult court if a judge rules the case meets certain criteria, officials said.

Parker is accused of opening fire on his classmates, killing Bailey Holt and Preston Cope, both 15, and wounding 18 others.

Bailey died at the high school while Preston died en route to a Nashville hospital.

Following the shooting, the school has begun using metal detector wands and is conducting bag checks as a precaution, CNN affiliate WZTV reported.

“I feel so much safer and actually want to go to school,” a student, Trevor Comer told WZTV.

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