Priebus ‘slightly embarrassed’ his stint as chief of staff was so short, report says

Reince Priebus says he is “slightly embarrassed” about his departure last year from the White House as chief of staff position, according to a new report.

He made light of his mere six months as chief of staff and mentioned his six-year stint as Republican National Committee chairman before joining the Trump White House, according to The Indianapolis Star.

“I say that not to brag, but just to make sure you know I can hold a job for more than six months,” Priebus said in a speech Tuesday night in Indiana.

Priebus said President Donald Trump was “quite often” annoyed with him when he was Trump’s top aide for six months last year, according to the paper. During his short tenure, Priebus struggled to bring order to a chaotic White House with a staff of differing personalities and ideologies.

Trump’s advisers “could hardly agree on whether the sky was blue or not,” Priebus joked Tuesday, the newspaper reported.

Trump appointed Priebus as his chief of staff shortly after the election. Priebus, seen as the establishment voice in the White House, resigned in July 2017, telling CNN’s Wolf Blitzer then that the “President wanted to go a different direction.”

Trump quickly replaced Priebus with current chief of staff John Kelly, making the announcement on Twitter.

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