Budget deal: The Republicans and Democrats who broke with their parties

With a large chunk of Republicans voting against the spending deal early Friday morning to end a brief government shutdown, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives needed a sizable group of Democrats to jump on board to pass the bill.

Here’s a list of the 67 Republicans who voted against the bill, followed by a list of 73 Democrats who voted for it.

Republicans who voted no

Rep. Justin Amash (Michigan)

Rep. Joe Barton (Texas)

Rep. Andy Biggs (Arizona)

Rep. Dave Brat (Virginia)

Rep. Mo Brooks (Alabama)

Rep. Ken Buck (Colorado)

Rep. Ted Budd (North Carolina)

Rep. Steve Chabot (Ohio)

Rep. James Comer (Kentucky)

Rep. John Curtis (Utah)

Rep. Warren Davidson (Ohio)

Rep. Jeff Duncan (South Carolina)

Rep. John Duncan (Tennessee)

Rep. Tom Emmer (Minnesota)

Rep. Virginia Foxx (North Carolina)

Rep. Matt Gaetz (Florida)

Rep. Tom Garrett (Virginia)

Rep. Greg Gianforte (Montana)

Rep. Louie Gohmert (Texas)

Rep. Paul Gosar (Arizona)

Rep. Garret Graves (Louisiana)

Rep. Morgan Griffith (Virginia)

Rep. Andy Harris (Maryland)

Rep. Jeb Hensarling (Texas)

Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (Washington)

Rep. Jody Hice (Georgia)

Rep. George Holding (North Carolina)

Rep. Trey Hollingsworth (Indiana)

Rep. Richard Hudson (North Carolina)

Rep. Mike Johnson (Louisiana)

Rep. Jim Jordan (Ohio)

Rep. Steve King (Iowa)

Rep. Raul Labrador (Idaho)

Rep. Jason Lewis (Minnesota)

Rep. Billy Long (Missouri)

Rep. Thomas Massie (Kentucky)

Rep. Tom McClintock (California)

Rep. Mark Meadows (North Carolina)

Rep. Alex Mooney (West Virginia)

Rep. Dan Newhouse (Washington)

Rep. Kristi Noem (South Dakota)

Rep. Ralph Norman (South Carolina)

Rep. Gary Palmer (Alabama)

Rep. Steve Pearce (New Mexico)

Rep. Scott Perry (Pennsylvania)

Rep. Bill Posey (Florida)

Rep. John Ratcliffe (Texas)

Rep. Tom Reed (New York)

Rep. Jim Renacci (Ohio)

Rep. Tom Rice (South Carolina)

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (California)

Rep. Todd Rokita (Indiana)

Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Florida)

Rep. Keith Rothfus (Pennsylvania)

Rep. David Rouzer (North Carolina)

Rep. Mark Sanford (South Carolina)

Rep. David Schweikert (Arizona)

Rep. James Sensenbrenner (Wisconsin)

Rep. Jason Smith (Missouri)

Rep. Adrian Smith (Nebraska)

Rep. Lloyd Smucker (Pennsylvania)

Rep. Mark Walker (North Carolina)

Rep. Daniel Webster (Florida)

Rep. Bruce Westerman (Arkansas)

Rep. Kevin Yoder (Kansas)

Rep. Ted Yoho (Florida)

Rep. Lee Zeldin (New York)

Democrats who voted yes

Rep. Joyce Beatty (Ohio)

Rep. Ami Bera (California)

Rep. Sanford Bishop (Georgia)

Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (Delaware)

Rep. Cheri Bustos (Illinois)

Rep. G. K. Butterfield (North Carolina)

Rep. Salud Carbajal (California)

Rep. Matt Cartwright (Pennsylvania)

Rep. Kathy Castor (Florida)

Rep. Steve Cohen (Tennessee)

Rep. Gerry Connolly (Virginia)

Rep. Jim Costa (California)

Rep. Joe Courtney (Connecticut)

Rep. Charlie Crist (Florida)

Rep. Henry Cuellar (Texas)

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (Connecticut)

Rep. Suzan DelBene (Washington)

Rep. Ted Deutch (Florida)

Rep. Mike Doyle (Pennsylvania)

Rep. Elizabeth Esty (Connecticut)

Rep. Dwight Evans (Pennsylvania)

Rep. Marcia Fudge (Ohio)

Rep. John Garamendi (California)

Rep. Vicente Gonzalez (Texas)

Rep. Josh Gottheimer (New Jersey)

Rep. Al Green (Texas)

Rep. Gene Green (Texas)

Rep. Colleen Hanabusa (Hawaii)

Rep. Dennis Heck (Washington)

Rep. Brian Higgins (New York)

Rep. Jim Himes (Connecticut)

Rep. Jared Huffman (California)

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (Texas)

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (Texas)

Rep. Marcy Kaptur (Ohio)

Rep. Bill Keating (Massachusetts)

Rep. Derek Kilmer (Washington)

Rep. Ann McLane Kuster (New Hampshire)

Rep. Jim Langevin (Rhode Island)

Rep. Rick Larsen (Washington)

Rep. John Larson (Connecticut)

Rep. Brenda Lawrence (Michigan)

Rep. Al Lawson (Florida)

Rep. Dave Loebsack (Iowa)

Rep. Stephen Lynch (Massachusetts)

Rep. Betty McCollum (Minnesota)

Rep. Jerry McNerney (California)

Rep. Stephanie Murphy (Florida)

Rep. Rick Nolan (Minnesota)

Rep. Tom O´Halleran (Arizona)

Rep. Beto O’Rourke (Texas)

Rep. Bill Pascrell (New Jersey)

Rep. Kathleen Rice (New York)

Rep. Jacky Rosen (Nevada)

Rep. Raul Ruiz (California)

Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (Maryland)

Rep. Tim Ryan (Ohio)

Rep. Brad Schneider (Illinois)

Rep. Bobby Scott (Virginia)

Rep. David Scott (Georgia)

Rep. Terri Sewell (Alabama)

Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (New Hampshire)

Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (Arizona)

Rep. Louise Slaughter (New York)

Rep. Darren Soto (Florida)

Rep. Mike Thompson (California)

Rep. Bennie Thompson (Mississippi)

Rep. Paul Tonko (New York)

Rep. Niki Tsongas (Massachusetts)

Rep. Filemon Vela (Texas)

Rep. Pete Visclosky (Indiana)

Rep. Peter Welch (Vermont)

Rep. John Yarmuth (Kentucky)

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