Oprah — again — says she’s not running for president

Oprah Winfrey, once again, has shut down the prospect of a presidential bid.

On Wednesday, during a conversation with Broadway star Lin-Manuel Miranda, she said is not running for office, Refinery29 writer Arianna Davis tweeted.

“You heard it here first: Oprah just confirmed at her live chat with Lin Manuel Miranda at #SuperSoulConversations in NYC that she is NOT running for office. #Oprah2020.”

Oprah Winfrey Network’s senior communications director, Chelsea Hettrick, confirmed to CNN the content of the tweet.

The conversation was during filming for “Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations,” which is set to air February 27 at 10 p.m. ET on OWN.

The idea of a possible Winfrey 2020 presidential campaign was buzzing following the Cecil B. DeMille Award acceptance speech she gave at the Golden Globes last month. Two friends close to Winfrey previously told CNN that she was “actively thinking” about running for president and that some of her confidants had been nudging her privately to make a run.

However, Winfrey said in an interview with InStyle Magazine that she didn’t intend to run.

“I’ve always felt very secure and confident with myself in knowing what I could do and what I could not,” she told the magazine. “And so it’s not something that interests me. I don’t have the DNA for it.”

Winfrey has repeatedly said in the past that she has no plans to run for office.

She told Stephen Colbert in January 2017 that she would “never” run for political office.

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