Justice Dept. watchdog briefs lawmakers on investigation into FBI’s Clinton email probe

The Justice Department watchdog briefed a bipartisan group of lawmakers Tuesday on its investigation into the FBI’s actions during the 2016 election, including its probe into Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz is nearing the conclusion of the investigation, which includes scrutiny of the actions of senior officials, such as former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

Horowitz met Tuesday with House Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-South Carolina, the panel’s top Democrat, Elijah Cummings of Maryland, House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Virginia and top Democrat Jerry Nadler of New York.

Gowdy, who confirmed the meeting took place, said it was “useful” and “objective,” but declined to comment further.

In the fall, Republicans on House Oversight and Judiciary Committees launched their own investigation into the FBI and Justice Department’s handling of the Clinton email probe. The committees have held two closed-door interviews, with former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and James Rybicki, who served as Comey’s chief of staff.

Horowitz was likely limited in what he could say because the watchdog investigation remains ongoing.

Comey, McCabe and Rybicki have been in the cross hairs of the congressional investigations into both the Clinton investigation as well as the FBI’s handling of the Russia investigation. The oversight and judiciary panels expect to hold more interviews, and many Republicans want Comey to return to Capitol Hill to testify.

Horowitz’s report is expected to be completed as early as March, although that date could still be pushed back. Asked if the report was likely to come out in March or later, like April, Gowdy said “April.”

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