Biden: Trump should avoid Mueller interview, has ‘difficulty with precision’

Former Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that if he were one of President Donald Trump’s attorneys, he would suggest Trump not consent to a special counsel interview for fear of being caught misleading investigators.

“The President has some difficulty with precision,” Biden said in an interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo.

Biden said he marvels at some of the comments Trump makes and referenced a line from Trump on Monday that Democrats who did not applaud his State of the Union address were “un-American” and “treasonous.”

The White House has since called the remark tongue-in-cheek, with press secretary Sarah Sanders saying on Tuesday that Trump was “clearly joking.”

“Well let me tell you, he’s a joke,” Biden said in response.

CNN reported last month that special counsel Robert Mueller provided Trump’s attorneys with a range of topics for an interview, and that Trump’s attorneys are arguing Mueller has not met the threshold for an interview. Trump has said publicly he would be willing to sit for an interview under oath, although The New York Times reported Monday that Trump’s attorneys are advising Trump against an interview because of concerns he might be charged with lying to investigators.

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