House Republican on memo intel: ‘Open it up’

Republican Rep. Brad Wenstrup says he would back the release of more classified information related to a recently released GOP memo, including a Democratic rebuttal memo, relevant testimony and other material.

“I’m all for that. Open it up,” Wenstrup said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

The Ohio Republican, who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, was speaking alongside a Democratic colleague on the panel, Rep. Jim Himes of Connecticut.

Himes said he backed the release of any relevant transcript that would shed light on what recently retired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe said in testimony about the importance of an opposition research dossier on then-candidate Donald Trump in obtaining a warrant on former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

“I would even support, if it could be redacted in such a way as not to be damaging, I would support releasing the underlying FISA applications,” Himes said.

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