Asked to ‘tone it down,’ these Eagles fans belted out the fight song instead

When a flight attendant requested Eagles fans to “tone it down” during a flight to Philadelphia on Friday night, they responded exactly how you’d expect a plane full of Eagles fans to respond two days before their team’s Super Bowl matchup against the New England Patriots.

They belted out their team’s fight song.

“Fly, Eagles fly,” they sang, “on the road the victory.”

Tony Hermosillo, 30, of Lawndale, California, told CNN he was flying with Spirit Airlines from Los Angeles to Philadelphia.

Hermosillo, an Eagles fan since 2002, was traveling with friends to watch the Super Bowl in the team’s hometown this weekend.

The friends had been talking about playing “Gonna Fly Now” — the theme song to the movie “Rocky” — or the Eagles’ fight song on a speaker they’d brought with them.

People started cheering their idea, and that’s when the flight attendant stepped in over the loudspeaker.

“Let’s just tone it down a little bit. I know you’re excited,” the attendant can be heard saying in Hermosillo’s video.

But these high-flying Eagles fans were not having it.

“The mood was amazing,” Hermosillo said. “Everyone was friendly and excited. It was like if we were all friends.”

The Eagles face off against the Patriots this Sunday in Minneapolis in Super Bowl LII.

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